With the Cybercrimes bill now in place, the country is closer to having in place the polices needed to ensure a safer digital environment for our government, corporations and citizens.

Digital technology is pervasive, impacting everything from economic prosperity, social interactions to civic engagement.

Correspondingly, government policies evolve to address technology use by individuals, corporations and governments with a particular focus on cybersecurity. Cybersecurity regulations directly impact technology providers and their customer's ability to access and use products.

The definition and scope of cybersecurity is expanding. More countries are proposing policies, using more diverse sets of policy tools, often pursuing more stringent guidelines, regulations, strategies, legislation and laws. Nationalism and geopolitical tensions are fragmenting approaches to cybersecurity, inhibiting a single version of a product from being used worldwide. Mistrust of the technology industry is diminishing its influence as governments develop policy.

There is an increasing awareness of the concentration of major cloud provider platforms and the potential for systemic risk from failures. Engaging as key governments and international institutions create first generations of public policies for advanced technologies can have a lasting and meaningful impact.

The Cybersecurity Digital Alliance will support CISO’s, CIO’s & IT Managers who have the responsibility for cybersecurity in the areas of: Policy Recommendations, Mentorship, Education, Best Practice Sharing, and Research.

Each pillar of the Alliance will be able to help move forward to strengthen the agenda of cybersecurity through these active areas of collaboration.

Statement from the Chairperson

Over the last 20 years, we have seen cybersecurity go from a non-existent priority, to a grudge purchase to a digital enabler. No other field has changed so rapidly while experiencing such rapid stress testing by those with illicit purposes.

The Cybersecurity Digital Alliance is born from the recognition that we are stronger together. In understanding that the thinking of “building fences stronger than your neighbors” is no longer relevant in a hyper-connected digital world, we realize that societal cybersecurity improvement is the only practical strategy.

Our focus areas include: policy recommendations; mentorship; education & best practice sharing; research and events which we are tackling with a cross section of cybersecurity leaders across both private and public sector. We will use a pool of talent and shared experiences to uplift cybersecurity controls where it is most needed. Our aim is simple – a much more cyber secure South Africa for everyone that lives and transacts in this beautiful country.​

~ Kerissa Varma, Managing Executive for Cybersecurity at Vodacom


Digital Alliance Inaugural Launch – 2 Dec 2021

The Cyber Security Digital Alliance will be hosting a number of events throughout the year – check back soon for details on our upcoming events.

Cyber Security Digital Alliance

The Cyber Security Digital Alliance will be hosting a number of events throughout the year – check back soon for details on our upcoming events.



As an independent entity, the alliance aims to support the industry on matters of Cyber Security, with a focus on 5 main areas:


As an independent entity, the alliance aims to support the industry on matters of Cyber Security, with a focus on 5 main areas:

Focus Areas

Our focus areas include: policy recommendations; mentorship; education & best practice sharing; research and events which we are tackling with a cross section of cybersecurity leaders across both private and public sector. We will use a pool of talent and shared experiences to uplift cybersecurity controls where it is most needed. Our aim is simple – a much more cyber secure South Africa for everyone that lives and transacts in this beautiful country.​


Trusted Clients


Cybersecurity leaders have to focus their attention to maintain a protection profile across the legacy corporate network, next generation technologies, increased remote working and the complexity of the ever-changing technology landscape.

Cyber risk has also evolved from just a technology concern to the mainstream business risk with visibility at the C-suite and board. Security professionals need to transform from technologists to business aligned leaders that drive innovation, strategy and risk management, while maintaining a budget and retaining cybersecurity talent. ​

At the same time, leaders need to expand their network, learn from the experience of others in a similar position and extend their professional interaction with more experienced leaders. Mentorship aids in improving the soft skills and business acumen of new security leaders, to assist them to develop skills to be successful in their role as trusted advisor. The Cybersecurity Digital Alliance Mentoring Program matches experienced security leaders with mentees entering or in security management roles.

mentor benefits

mentee benefits

policy recommendations

With a vested interest in the cyber security industry, the alliance focuses on being the industry voice for best practices. The best developed policies are curated using transparent, inclusive multi-stakeholder processes.

Iterative approaches to policy making can address issues and benefit from innovation allowing the harmonisation of cyber security policies based on international standards and industry best practices.


The Cybersecurity Digital Alliance aims to drive research into developing areas and provide our members with the latest research material available.

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